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JEE Advanced 2023 Sample Question Papers


JEE Advanced 2023 Sample Question Papers with Answer Keys - Free PDF Download

Appearing for the JEE Advanced exam can seem daunting due to the highly competitive nature and a track record of challenging questions of the examination. In order to get enough practice and knowledge of the exam pattern and question styles, Vedantu has released some great sample papers curated by expert teachers. Students can make great use of these papers to get comfortable managing time and solving questions accurately in the actual test. Solving more sample papers may increase the level of confidence among students. These sample papers are available on the official website of Vedantu to help students understand the exam pattern and distribution of topics and the weightage of each topic. Students can also avail benefits of sample papers as these are available in PDFs for free download for practising anywhere and anytime.

You can download the JEE Sample Question Papers from Vedantu by visiting our IIT JEE page on the website.

Last updated date: 10th May 2023
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Competitive Exams after 12th Science

Procedure to Download JEE Sample Papers from the Website of Vedantu

Downloading the IIT JEE sample papers from the official website of Vedantu is simple and straightforward. It involves steps which are explained below- 

  1. First, open the official website, then click on the sample paper you are wishing for.

  2. After clicking on the link of the paper, the sample paper will be displayed on the screen after downloading.

  3. The same procedure will be applied to all the sample papers.

  4. These downloaded sample papers can be stored as either hard copies or soft copies for future verification.

Also, the JEE sample papers are available based on the sets divided by the board of the examination. Each set has an equal quantity of practice papers that subject experts can prepare after verifying the previous question papers and updated information.

Why Should Aspirants Solve JEE Sample Question Papers?

The IIT JEE Sample Question Papers are beneficial for the candidates who are appearing for the upcoming JEE examination. Candidates can find several advantages by solving JEE Sample Papers. Some of them are listed below:

  1. The JEE sample papers will act as a self-assessment tool.

  2. The IIT JEE sample papers help the candidates to understand the pattern of the question paper, weightage of marks, important questions, etc.

  3. The JEE sample papers also build confidence and clear several confusions and doubts before appearing for the exam.

  4. The self-assessment process also helps to realise their mistakes.

  5. Solving the JEE sample papers will allow students to improve their performance and score high marks. 

  6. The solutions provided on the website help the students understand the solving techniques and the marking scheme.

How to Solve the JEE Sample Paper 2023? 

To understand the paper pattern of the exam, JEE aspirants must learn how to solve the paper. Take a look at the following points.

  1. Aspirants can download PDFs of all the sample papers of JEE Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry along with the answer keys. 

  2. Candidates should attempt solving the paper within 3 hours, that's the timeframe of the exam. 

  3. Aspirants must pay attention to all the rules mentioned in the exam and follow them while practising. 

  4. Candidates can compare their answers with the given solutions. 

  5. This will allow aspirants to avoid making mistakes and learn the format of the answer.


You can now download Vedantu’s expert-created sample papers for JEE Advanced and rest assured that you have mastered all topics and gained enough confidence to sit for the exam. It is our firm belief that students who solve our sample papers will have a better chance of scoring well in the JEE Advanced exam. We hope the sample papers help students achieve their desired scores and ranks on the test and enrol for their dream course in one of the prestigious IITs or institutes in the country.

FAQs on JEE Advanced 2023 Sample Question Papers

1. Where can I get the JEE Question sample paper?

JEE aspirants can download the JEE question papers from Vedantu's official website. Students can simply search for sample papers of any session and can download the PDF along with the solutions. This will help candidates to prepare thoroughly for each paper and score high marks. Other than the website, students can also find all the sample papers in the Vedantu App that they can download from the Google Play Store. The sample papers are available in an easily accessible format by Vedantu for the comfort of the students.

2. Why is it important to solve sample papers before appearing for the JEE Advanced exam?

No matter how hard you study or how well you revise a concept or topic, until and unless you solve sample question papers, you will never be fully prepared for the test. JEE Advanced is anyway a challenging exam and it’s best that you go in fully confident that you will be able to solve all the questions on time and accurately. Time management and precision in answering questions are two of the most important benefits of solving sample papers. Also, it is necessary that you get a hang of the exam pattern and question format so that you know what to expect beforehand and make an informed choice.

3. Is there a negative marking in JEE?

Yes, there is a negative marking system in the JEE Main and Advanced exam papers. One negative mark is allocated to every wrong answer on the paper. However, there’s no negative marking for numerical-based problems and unattempted questions. If aspirants strategies their answering approach then students can easily crack the JEE Main exam. It is advisable to keep questions unanswered if they are unsure about the process or doubt the answer in any way because a negative mark will be allotted for a wrong answer.

4. What is the qualifying score in JEE Main to sit for the JEE Advanced exam?

The expected cutoff marks in JEE Main 2023 to sit for JEE Advanced 2023 are as follows:

  • Common Rank List: 86-91

  • General EWS: 77-82

  • SC: 51-55

  • ST: 39-44

  • OBC - NCL: 71-76

5. Why is it important to solve previous years’ question papers for JEE Advanced?

No matter how much you study and revise, in order to score well in JEE Advanced, you will need to be confident that you can answer all questions accurately and within the given time limit. Time management, understanding the question pattern and paper format, covering previous years’ questions, and being able to identify common questions and answer them promptly are some of the benefits of solving previous years’ question papers of JEE Advanced.

6. Is JEE tougher than NEET?

The JEE Main and Advanced are entrance exams for students aspiring to get admission to engineering colleges whereas the NEET exam is for the medical field. Both JEE and NEET are considered difficult due to their competitiveness. However, The JEE Advanced entrance exam is certainly tougher than NEET. Although, JEE Main is the easiest to crack comparatively. That being said, it should also be considered that the engineering field is quite different to the medical one, so the comparing parameters are bound to differ.