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CBSE Class 9

VSAT 2023

Class 9 CBSE Board - Study Material, Syllabus, Subjects, Important Questions, NCERT Solutions

CBSE Class 9 is the foundation for Class 11; therefore, it is extremely important that class 9 students learn the topics thoroughly and focus on the concepts, along with preparing for their exams in a better way. This is possible only when the students have the right guidance from teachers and comprehensive study material to aid their preparation.

In addition to the NCERT textbooks recommended by the CBSE, students can supplement their studies with additional reference resources like a detailed class 9 subject guide, important questions bank, sample papers, revision notes, etc. Fortunately, Vedantu provides 9th class study material PDF for free download. So, access the free PDFs of all Class 9 study materials here with just a click!

Last updated date: 14th May 2023
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Class 9 CBSE Board Syllabus

A clear understanding of the Class 9 CBSE Board Syllabus is crucial to prepare well for the exams, as it enables students to understand the topics they’ll be studying in Class 9 and prepare accordingly. So, download the free PDFs of entire syllabus here.

CBSE Class 9 NCERT Books 

CBSE-recommended 9th class NCERT Books shouldn’t be ignored, as they contain all the fundamental concepts and formulas students will be learning in class 9. Download your free PDF of CBSE Class 9 NCERT Books for all subjects here.

CBSE Class 9 NCERT Solutions 

Vedantu provides expert-prepared, error-free, and accurate Class 9 textbook solutions to help students when with their exam preparation and strengthening concepts. You can download it for free by clicking on the links below. 

CBSE 9th Class Important Questions

Important questions of CBSE Class 9 are curated by experts to provide students with an idea of the type of questions asked in the exams and insight into important topics. So go through them chapter-wise by clicking on the links in this table.

CBSE Class 9 List of Important Questions


CBSE Class 9 Important Questions for Maths


CBSE Class 9 Important Questions for English


CBSE Class 9 Important Questions for Hindi


CBSE Class 9 Important Questions for Science


CBSE Class 9 Important Questions for Social Science

CBSE Class 9 Revision Notes

Download the precise, error-free, and expert-prepared subject-wise revision notes for a quick overview before the exams can prove quite valuable, especially to revise formulas and difficult topics.

Class 9 CBSE Sample Papers

Class 9 CBSE sample papers for all the subjects are available for free at Vedantu. By solving them, students will understand the marking scheme, important questions, difficulty level of the paper, time management, etc. So, practice as many Class 9 sample papers as possible before the final exam.

Why Choose Vedantu’s 9th Class Study Material PDF?

Students of CBSE 9th standard can benefit in several ways if they choose Vedantu for Class 9 important questions and other resources.

  • Vedantu's 9th class study material PDF covers all the essential topics and concepts in a comprehensive manner and is designed by experienced teachers.

  • The study material is presented in an easy-to-understand format with clear explanations, and examples. This makes it easy for students to grasp the concepts and retain the information.

  • Vedantu’s class 9 study material is designed keeping in mind the exam pattern and the questions asked in the exams. It includes practice questions, previous year question papers, and mock tests to help students prepare for their exams effectively.

  • Students can download the 9th class study material PDF for free and access it from anywhere at any time.

If you want to  be able to understand the Class 9 concepts better and want to excel in CBSE 9th class examinations, choose Vedantu’s class 9 CBSE board study material today. Head to Vedantu’s website and download the free PDFs of study materials, categorised subject-wise and chapter-wise.

FAQs on CBSE Class 9

1. What is the importance of NCERT solutions for CBSE Class 9 students?

NCERT solutions are an essential resource for CBSE Class 9 students. They provide accurate and detailed answers to the questions given in the NCERT textbooks. By studying these solutions, students can better understand the concepts and improve their problem-solving skills.

2. How can I access the study material and solutions provided by Vedantu for CBSE Class 9?

Vedantu provides study material and solutions for CBSE Class 9 on its website, which can be accessed for free. Simply visit Vedantu's website, select the subject and topic of your choice, and download the material in PDF format. You can then access it anytime and anywhere for self-study or revision.

3. How can I improve my performance in CBSE Class 9 exams?

To improve your performance in CBSE Class 9 exams, follow the Class 9 syllabus, study regularly, revise frequently, practice sample papers, and seek guidance from teachers. You can also take advantage of Vedantu’s online resources like study materials, important questions, and NCERT solutions to strengthen your understanding of the concepts.

4. Where can I find important questions for CBSE Class 9 exams?

You can find important questions for CBSE Class 9 exams on Vedantu's website, which offers a collection of important subject-wise questions with solutions for free download!

5. What subjects are taught to CBSE students in Class 9?

CBSE Class 9 students follow the prescribed NCERT textbooks for all subjects, which include English (both language and literature), Maths, Science, Social Science, and Hindi. The study resources for all these subjects are available for free on Vedantu.  

6. How can Vedantu help students prepare for the CBSE Class 9 exams?

Students can access various study materials, including video lectures, live classes, study materials, and sample papers, for free at Vedantu’s website. By joining Vedantu’s courses, students can also benefit from its subject guides and doubt-solving sessions, which can help students prepare for the exams effectively.

7. How can I reduce exam stress during the CBSE Class 9 exams?

To reduce exam stress during the CBSE Class 9 exams, it is important to create a study schedule and stick to it. Take breaks, exercise, and get enough sleep. Avoid cramming and focus on understanding concepts. Stay positive, take deep breaths and practice relaxation techniques.

9. Is CBSE Class 9 easy?

The difficulty level of Class 9 varies from student to student. For some, it may be relatively easy, while for others, it can be challenging. However, with regular practice and proper guidance, students can perform well in their exams and achieve good grades. It is important to pay attention to the class material, follow a study plan, and practice regularly to ace in Class 9 exams.

10. How can I improve my writing skills for English in CBSE Class 9?

To improve your writing skills for English in CBSE Class 9, read various books and articles to enhance your vocabulary and writing style. Additionally, practicing writing short essays, letters, and stories can help you improve your writing skills; the topics and examples you can access for free from Vedantu’s website.