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CBSE Class 7 - Syllabus, Books, and Important Questions

VSAT 2023

If you're looking for a reliable and effective online learning platform to excel in CBSE Class 7, Vedantu is an excellent choice. With Vedantu, students can access quality education and expert guidance from the comfort of their homes. The platform offers a comprehensive curriculum for CBSE Class 7 that is designed to help students develop a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts in various subjects. Students can take advantage of the interactive live classes, where they can ask questions, get personalised feedback, and learn at their own pace. Vedantu also provides well-designed study materials, textbooks, and important questions, which can be accessed anytime, anywhere. With Vedantu's online learning platform, students can receive the best possible education, ensuring they are well-prepared for exams and achieve excellent results.

Last updated date: 12th May 2023
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CBSE Class 7 Syllabus

The CBSE Class 7 syllabus covers a wide range of subjects and topics, which are designed to prepare students for higher education. Here are some of the key features of the CBSE Class 7 syllabus:

  • The curriculum includes various subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, Hindi, and other languages.

  • The syllabus is designed to provide a solid foundation for students, as it focuses on building a strong understanding of the fundamental concepts.

  • The syllabus includes topics that are relevant and up-to-date, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education.

  • The curriculum aims to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills among students.

  • The syllabus is structured to ensure that students are prepared for future academic pursuits.

  • The CBSE Class 7 syllabus also includes practical and hands-on activities, enabling students to apply theoretical concepts in real-life situations.

  • Additionally, the syllabus includes assessments, which help students evaluate their understanding of the subject matter and identify areas where they need to improve.

You can download the detailed syllabus from the table below:

CBSE Class 7 Books

The CBSE Class 7 books are designed to help students in their academic journey by providing them with comprehensive knowledge in each subject. These books are based on the latest syllabus and cover all the important topics. Here are the CBSE Class 7 books for each subject:

The books for English and Hindi provide stories, poems and essays that develop students' reading and writing skills. The Mathematics book includes concepts and problem-solving exercises that help students in learning various mathematical topics. The Science book comprises topics like nutrition in animals, the water cycle, and heat transfer. The Social Science book covers different subjects like history, geography, and civics that provide knowledge of India's culture, its environment, and its political structure. All these books come with detailed explanations, exercises and practice questions that can help students in preparing for their exams.

CBSE Class 7 NCERT Solutions

If you want to get a detailed understanding of all the CBSE Class 7 subjects and the chapters included in them, along with improving your answering skills in the exams, then download the PDF files of NCERT solutions for different subjects that are taught in Class 7 from the given below table. Prepared by experts, these solutions are strict as per the CBSE guidelines.

CBSE Class 7 Revision Notes

Download the free PDF of CBSE Class 7 revision notes to easily grasp every chapter's concepts and know how to answer the questions. Thus, students can prepare for their exams in a better way.

CBSE Class 7 Sample Papers

Once you have gone through CBSE Class 7 study material, it is time to practice the questions to ace the examinations and solve the previous year's Class 7 sample papers the best way. Click on the respective PDFs of each subject to download the sample papers to get a clear idea about the pattern of questions asked in an examination and improve your preparation.

Other CBSE Study Materials for Class 7

The existence of supplementary study materials specifically designed for Class 7 students following the CBSE curriculum. The availability of these additional study materials aims to provide students with a comprehensive and diverse range of resources to enhance their understanding and performance across various subjects as per the CBSE guidelines.

CBSE Class 7 Important Questions

Vedantu's online learning platform provides CBSE Class 7 students with a plethora of important questions that are designed to help them improve their academic performance. The platform has a vast collection of important questions across all subjects including English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. These important questions are formulated based on the latest CBSE syllabus and exam pattern. The questions are designed to be student-friendly, with an interactive approach to learning. These important questions are helpful for students to get a better understanding of the subject matter, and also to assess their preparation level for exams. The questions are solved by expert teachers, and students can clarify their doubts in real time. The important questions are also helpful in revising topics and in preparing for competitive exams. With Vedantu's online learning platform, students can access quality study material anytime and anywhere.


If students need customised assistance in CBSE Board Class 7, they have the option of selecting Vedantu, which is a highly acclaimed online learning platform that provides access to live classes, problem-solving sessions, and study resources. Vedantu has the potential to assist students in reaching their maximum potential and obtaining academic success. Take advantage of Vedantu's CBSE Class 7 Course today by booking a complimentary demo class!

FAQs on CBSE Class 7 - Syllabus, Books, and Important Questions

1. What is the syllabus for CBSE Class 7?

The CBSE Board Class 7 syllabus includes subjects such as Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, and a second language. It is designed to build upon the knowledge acquired in previous classes and prepare students for higher education.

2. What are the best books to prepare for CBSE Class 7 exams?

Some of the recommended books for CBSE Class 7 exams are NCERT textbooks, RD Sharma for Mathematics, Lakhmir Singh and Manjit Kaur for Science, and Together with Social Science by Rachna Sagar.

3. Where can I find important questions for CBSE Class 7 exams?

You can find important questions for CBSE Class 7 exams on Vedantu’s website.

4. Does Vedantu offer online classes for CBSE Class 7?

Yes, Vedantu offers online classes for CBSE Class 7 students. Their online classes are conducted by experienced teachers and are designed to help students understand the concepts in a better way. They also offer study material and doubt-solving sessions.

5. Are there any tips to prepare for CBSE Class 7 exams?

Some tips to prepare for CBSE Class 7 exams include creating a study schedule, practising regularly, solving sample papers and previous years' question papers, seeking help from teachers or peers, and taking breaks to avoid burnout. Additionally, students should stay updated with the latest exam pattern and marking schemes to perform better in exams.