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CBSE Class 12 Maths Formulas


Important Math Formulas and Equations for CBSE Class 12

Class 12 is one of the most stressful academic years of every student’s life. In addition to this, the CBSE class 12 maths syllabus is vast. Thus, the most prime step that students must take while studying for their exam is to learn the Class 12 Maths formulas thoroughly. Class 12 acts as a pivotal bridge between higher education and school education. Due to this, students are often looking forward to acing their exams. However, this can be challenging when students grab hold of irrelevant study material. Maths is a core subject in class 12. Learning maths formulas efficiently can help students improve their problem-solving skills. This is why the CBSE maths formulas for class 12 free PDF is such a valuable learning tool.

Last updated date: 14th May 2023
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Formula for Class 12 Mathematics

Important Formulas of Class 12 Maths

While there are over a myriad of formulas in every chapter of class 12, let’s go through a list of some of the most vital formulas that you may make use of in Class 12. These formulas must be revised regularly by students so that they can grasp important concepts of maths better. Download formulas of some of the important maths chapters, including trigonometry, vectors, three-dimensional geometry, and matrices’ algebra.

Class 12 Maths Formulas

The Class 12 Maths formulas are rather vast. Every chapter of the class 12 mathematics subject boasts a significant number of formulas. Students can get access to individual pdfs of these formulas as per the chapter. With these PDFs, students can easily refresh their knowledge on every chapter of class 12. Students can thus rely on these formula PDFS at the luxury of sitting at home. Download chapter-wise maths formulas from below.

  1. Relations and Functions Formula

  2. Inverse trigonometric functions formula

  3. Matrices formula

  4. Determinants formula

  5. Continuity and differentiability formula

  6. Application of derivatives formula

  7. Integrals formula

  8. Application of integrals formula

  9. Differential equations formula

  10. Vector Algebra Formula

  11. Three-dimensional geometry formula

  12. Linear programming formula

  13. Probability formula

Vitality of Maths Formulas

Maths formulas play a crucial role in helping students learn the method of solving problems with ease. By thoroughly revising these formulas regularly, students can rest assured that they create a robust foundation for their maths skills. Formulas are all students need to solve a problem. The values of the entities should be put in the respective formula to further simplify the problem.


To sum it up, formulas set the base to an answer. Without knowing the right formula, one simply cannot solve a problem. Maths formulas for Class 12 PDF are designed to help students identify which formula to use to distinguish questions.

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FAQs on CBSE Class 12 Maths Formulas

1. Why do Students Find it Difficult to Recite Maths Formulas?

Ans: Maths formulas can be extremely difficult to understand and revise. However, there’s no shortcut to revising maths formulas. Students have to regularly jot down the formulas and memorize them to ensure that they don’t forget the formulas before their exams. Students must avoid mugging up these formulas right before exams as they may not only forget the formulas but also jumble up the formulas. Thus, students must take time out to understand how formulas are created. This can sound illogical but can help students learn how to derive the formulas.

2. Why Should You Refer to Class 12 Maths Formulas?

Ans: The prime perk of referring to the class 12 maths formula PDF is eliminating the need to recite problems and learn how to solve them instead. Students can directly refer to these formulas instead of going through the textbooks to save time to prepare well for their exams. Writing down each one of these formulas can be a tedious task. However, referring to them online can help you encounter a fun-loving and inspiring learning experience.